Advertise on Our Show!

Do you have a product or project that you feel needs to be seen by the masses? Think it would be a perfect fit for Dr. Blasko's Laboratory of Horror? Then send an email to Braeden.M.Orr@live.mercer.edu for more information. For just $25, you can have an advertisement that will run the entirety of the first season of the show! All money goes to the production of this not for profit organization, and your ad will be seen by the entire student body of Mercer University and anyone who watches the show online! So, if interested, be sure to send us an email! If you don't have a product, but still want to help out, we have a donate button that will allow you to do so, as well! Thanks everyone!


Send in Your Viewer Questions!


Each episode of Dr. Blasko's Laboratory of Horror will feature questions asked by you, the viewers, and answered by Dr. Blasko himself! Want to be featured in this segment? All you have to do is leave a comment with a letter (be sure to add a name and location so we can credit you fully) and it very well may be featured. Want a really good chance of being featured? Ask Dr. Blasko questions pertaining to Nosferatu, Freaks, The House on Haunted Hill, Night of the Living Dead, The Last Man on Earth, The Bat, and Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. Of course, you can ask more general questions as well! If they're interesting enough, we will definitely use them!


Coming September 8th to Mercer99...


That's right! Starting this September on Mercer 99, Dr. Blasko will be presenting to you the best, worst, and cheesiest public domain horror and sci-fi films! Don't get Mercer 99? Don't worry! Every episode will be posted online for your viewing pleasure! Now, here's Dr. Blasko to discuss his new series:

Dear Interweb,

My name is Dr. Blasko and this is my Laboratory of Horror! BWAHAHAHA! Is "BWAHAHAHA" right? Or is it "MWAHAHAHA"? Let me shout it out loud and see. Hm... I think I was right the first time. BWAHAHAHA! Anyways, if you love horror and science fiction films, then you will love my new show! Do not get too use to it however, for you see, this series is simply my final gift to you before I conquer the world with one of my many brilliant inventions! With my faithful hunchbacked assistant Fritz and my unstoppable monster Carl, nothing can stand in our way! BWAHAHAHAHA! You know what? I'm not too sure about that actually, let's try the other one. Nothing can stand in our way! MWAHAHAHA! Hm... that will do for now I suppose. Anyways, enjoy the rest of your meaningless lives internet people! For once September 8th rolls around, it shall be over! Huzzah! Wait, no, that's definitely not right.... err... just, um, be sure to watch my new show, Dr. Blasko's Laboratory of Horror.

Blasko, out!